
About Link00: Status: not changing this picture even if you say I should. :P Hello everyone, I am Link. I like to RP on occations, yes I'm known as the Hero of Time. Get off my back. Anyways, I'm a nice person to be with, and usually has nothing better to do. Ganondorf is to bussy ploting to take over Hyrule to pay attention to me. So talk to me if you like. Oh yeah, I'm also into anime, manly Gundam but i like other anime as well, drawing, reading manga, and hanging out with ppl. Status: i'm okay, really ^.^ Age: 10 - 22 mood: cheerful race: Hylian S.O.: Bisexual (cluless uke) Main Rp: Legend of Zelda (LoZ) Secondary Rps: Super Smash Bros. (SSB) Soul Caliber (SC) Archenemies: Ganondorf, Vaati, Dark Link, Kome & Kotet, Agahnim, Bowser, Star Wolf, Wario, Master Hand, Tabuu, ect. (I'll put in SC later) Favorite LoZ song: Ballad of the Wind Fish Favorite Gundam: Tallgeese